18 April 2009

Tongariro Alpine Crossing

In 1887, the Paramount Chief of the Tuwharetoa people - Te Heuheu Tukino IV - donated the mountain peaks of Tongariro, Ngauruhoe and Ruapehu to the nation of New Zealand. This gift was the genesis of Tongariro National Park and the first of its kind ever made by an indigenous people.

The Tongariro Alpine Crossing crosses over steep volcanic terrain and through the culturally significant area known as the Ketetahi Hot Springs. In the photos below, you will see Mt Tongariro (1967 m), Mt Ngauruhoe (2287 m) - that's Mt Doom for any Lord of the Rings fans - and Mt Ruapehu. You will also see Red Crater (1886 m), the Emerald Lakes and Blue Lake (Te Wai-Whakaata-o-te Rangihiroa). The total trek is 19.4 km (approximately 24 km including the hike to Mt Tongariro summit).  

1 comment:

Angela said...

Fantastic pics John- is the red coloring from iron? Or is it something else?