It's official... I just bought my flight to Samoa for the 10th Festival of Pacific Arts (Su'iga'ula a le Atuvasa) from Friday, July 18 - Sunday, August 3. So... if you would like to visit New Zealand, don't plan on coming during these dates (meet me in Samoa instead). The festival takes place once every 4 years and brings together Pacific Islanders from Samoa, Palau, New Caledonia, the Cook Islands, Australia, French Polynesia, Papua New Guinnea, New Zealand and Fiji to share arts (tattooing, wood carving, print making, culinary arts, film, literature, music, dance, architecture, and traditional medicine) for two weeks. This offers a great way to see the best cultural offerings from the Pacific Island countries in one central location.
Dance magazine wrote an article reviewing the 2000 festival, which provides a nice overall description of what can be expected. If you are interested in coming to the festival, look for flights to Pagopago, American Samoa (PPG).