30 November 2007
My Commmute to Work
After two months in Wellington, I have become accustomed to quite a bit. I have eaten many a fish 'n chips and I know how to get around the city without any trouble. It's starting to feel a lot like home - minus most of my closest friends and family, unfortunately. But the quality of life is still very enjoyable. I carpool into work in the mornings and I generally run home in the evenings. To give you a sense of what that commute entails, I've included a couple of photos.
24 November 2007
18 November 2007
Toast Martinborough
14 November 2007
Auckland and Problems up North
10 November 2007
Absolutely, Positively Wellington
09 November 2007
Christchurch, South Island
05 November 2007
Guy Fawkes Night
Tonight was Guy Fawkes Night, and we celebrated with the biggest annual fireworks display in New Zealand, above Wellington Harbour. In some respects, we were lucky to have a fireworks display. Helen Clark, the Prime Minister of New Zealand, considered banning fireworks in New Zealand if New Zealanders "behave badly" on Guy Fawkes night this year (based on past behaviours, I guess). As far as I know, there will be no ban for next year, although I can't say that all New Zealanders were on their best behaviour.
03 November 2007
Pao Pao Pao
The song, Poi-E, was produced in the 1980's with two objectives: (1) to market Māori langugage and culture, and (2) to warn Māori youth about urban dangers. The dissolution of Māori language and culture was partially a result of a rapid shift of Māori populations from rural areas to the cities after World War II, when New Zealand had been experiencing rapid growth and manual labor was in high demand throughout the cities. Many Māori elders died at war and the younger generation moved to unfamiliar urban areas with very limited structure and family support. The economic boom in New Zealand didn't last very long, but long enough to displace a whole generation, causing a breakdown in culture for years to come. Some tribes have been very successful at re-establishing themselves, while others have a long way to go. The government has made some progress in supporting a cultural renaissance (for example, Te Reo Māori, "the language," was later recognized by the New Zealand government as a national language in 1987), but there is a long way to go.
01 November 2007
On October 31 and November 1, I went on my first work-related trip to Wanganui and Palmerston North to speak with representatives from the Ministry of Education and Massey University. Over the next few weeks, I will head to Christchurch and Auckland to meet with similar representatives from the education sector to investigate the effectiveness and the efficiency of the Ministry of Education's spending on professional development services for teachers and principals. Some of the greatest rewards from this work come from speaking with high-level officials in government and the private sector to see how they handle challenging situations and how they make funding decisions in an environment of competing demands and limited resources. In addition, it has given me the opportunity to travel off the beaten path.